Friday, February 25, 2011

Their Back


Well a lot of things have happened this week. Everything somewhat good. But let me start off with the work before I tell some stories. This last week we worked really hard It was supper cool. We were able to teach 7 first lessons and had 12 new ppl. Now that’s not a ton, but for this area that’s amazing! My comp was supper happy and also the zone leaders. Some of the ppl are pretty weak but this area hasn’t had numbers like that for a really really long time. Coming out of my last area I was pretty spoiled we could teach pretty easy and it wasn’t hard. But in this small town everyone knows who we are and what we do, I’ve never had a door (well gate) slammed on my face until I came to this area. Last week I had 3 ppl do that so it’s different but the work is going good the only thing that slows us down is the rain and the dirt roads.
But we also had a mission conference. It was really good. Pres. and Sister Cordon did a really good job. Sister Cordon even made brownies. She made one plate and then took them around to every missionary and made then smell them. then she was talking about the ingredients she uses to make them. She said she added a special ingredient to them to make them better. That’s when she pulls a sack of cat crap out and told us we all just smelled brownies with cat crap in them!! SICK!  I can’t remember how she tied it into the lesson. (I was a little sick about the whole idea after) but after she gave us real brownies to eat. They were supper good. Another story, we were at a small store eating a pastel and I needed to use the bathroom well I there was a small wall hiding the bathroom doors and since we were sitting next to the wall instead of walking in front of the wall I walked right behind it. Right at first I thought it was strange how they didn't have a boy/girl sign so I choose one and used the bathroom well walking out of the 1 person bathroom, there was a line of girls waiting to use the bathroom and they all looked at me really weird. That’s when I walked in front of the little wall and saw the signs so I guessed I used the girl’s bathroom and I felt supper gay. My comp was laughing supper hard too oh well right... ha
Also last night we were walking in the street and we saw a boy roping a small calf that someone made out of wood. As we walked by I told my comp man I really want to do that... it’s been a long time since I have tired that so he was like let’s go back so we went back and I asked to try. He gave me the rope and I coiled it up in my one hand made the loop in the other hand stood about 30 feet away, and started swinging it above my head. (That’s when I noticed about 15 people watching me and the kid’s family was standing by their houses.) So with ppl watching me and the rope swinging over my head I let it fly to my surprise the thing went right around the wooden calf neck.!!!! It was sick! On my first try I roped it, the kid’s smile was priceless, and the kid’s family was pretty shocked that a kid in a white shirt and tie just roped the thing. I took the rope off gave it back to the boy and watched him one more time before telling him to keep up the good work and we walked away. Man it made my day. I’m so proud of myself too,  I remember learning on time in the church parking lot and Scott Neville teaching us so you can tell him thanks for me.  So that was pretty cool.
Also lately I have been eating a ton of mangos before bed. (There like candy to me) well come to find out that they have 400 calories in each one. That’s a ton for a fruit so I stopped eating those, also we live by an army training place and every once in a while they run by in the morning yelling and staying in there straight lines It’s pretty cool This area is pretty safe for the most part, but we don’t go in some areas. Also I’m not sure if I told you but our church starts at 3pm -6pm. It’s pretty late and I’m not use to it at all.
Oh one last thing, the other day I told my comp I was getting eating by the mosquitoes, he looked at my arm and the bumps and said. “their back “ . I asked him what’s back and he said  “FLEAS”  that's when he went into our room and started pumping white powder all over so to make the story short, we have fleas in our beds and house. And they suck! I have bite marks on my legs, back, and arms so tomorrow were going to bomb the house with bug spray. They better die.
But I love you all, be safe and don't let the elk get you man I wish I could have been there for that but I love you all. -JOSH

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Area

Well it’s been a very good week looking back. Although it’s rained a lot every day, it’s still been good. My area is somewhat small compared to my last one which is ok. But it’s not flat! so I’m often winded within 25 min of walking. I’m a fat little missionary now as for my companion he’s pretty cool and it hasn't been bad he’s very self-conscious! but he hasn't talked a lot about his family. I have asked him a few times about them but he doesn't say much. He’s the only one in his family that is a member so I have a ton of respect of him and he’s been a member for only a year before he came on his mission. But he knows his stuff he studies supper hard in personal study which is pretty cool. One thing that shocked me and I have not adjusted to is the ward. This ward is not a ward but a branch of 30 ppl. O Man church was weird and it’s in a house that they bought I will get pictures somehow. But there are a lot of things that need to be fixed here. The week before a member bore his testimony 2 times, 1st time he held a picture up of the temple and said, “I’m preparing to go there” and sat down, 2nd time he held up an oil vile and said “ this can heal anything” and sat down just things like that. There is also a bunch of members fighting so it was very dramatic at church.
As for the investigators they have none (I don’t think they were teaching here)  I got here and the first 2 days we only visited members so that changed really fast and now we have found 10 new investigators since Friday Most of them are weak... but that’s ok.  Every day we just knock doors all day but I told my comp. we need a teaching group and since he is now a new district leader he needs to be an example. But even though we knock a bunch of doors every day It’s nice to come home to a supper nice house! This house was a couple’s house so it has everything, micro-wave, washing machine that does everything, 2 bathrooms. (I have my own bathroom!!! and it stays clean now because I only use it.) It’s big with a ton of room and a couch, with a homemade workout place so it’s awesome to come home to a supper sweet house. But it’s rained a lot here every day actually and there have been some crazy floods. In Curitiba an 11 year old girl was swept away and a ton of houses have been destroyed lucky it hasn't hit our area too bad. But I’m doing good here It’s a small town so I really like it although there is a ton of dirt roads and cobble-stone streets. Actually I think there are more dirt roads than paved.... so that kind of stinks when it’s only rained every day.
But last night we knocked on a door a taught a really good first lesson to a lady and her husband who is now half paralyzed and mental, 5 years ago he was normal and had a job and everything was fine. Then he had accident and now he like that I felt supper bad because it was a sad story. But the first lesson was supper good. The lady felt the spirit it was supper cool. But I’m out of time. I love you all and pray for you guys every day. Be safe and enjoy the snow for ME! hahaha until next week, -Josh

Friday, February 11, 2011

Big Changes

Well I have been transferred to a new area I'm lost, confused, and very tired I also have a Brazilian comp now (Elder Pires).  My new area is called ``Lapa´´  and its in the middle of nowhere!! But our house is WAY nicer than what i was in. It has two bathrooms and a lot of rooms its pretty nice so that makes me feel a little better about the change. Anyways Thursday we had our interviews with president. That went really good and i felt good coming out of his office. He shared some really cool scriptures. And he also told me that I would be getting a native comp. I knew i was going to leave and wasn't to surprised when the call came But i found out yesterday that i would be leaving for sure, So i packed my bags and was able to fit everything into my 2 big bags, my back pack. But i wasn't able to say goodbye to very many ppl. we had a lot of appointments with our new investigators so that took up most of the time and last night 2 of them decided that they were going to be baptised. #1 was a 14 year old girl that is going to be baptised for sure she loves the church. #2 another guy said its time he needed to be baptized both dates are super firm So the new missionary there will get 2 free baptisms. I was able to say good bye to one of my baptism she about cryed when i said bye so that made it tough on me. It just hit me that i will never see those people again... dang. My new companion has just been called district leader hes from ``Port Allegra`` or some place down south and has 1 year and 1 month in the field he seems pretty cool. I saw Elder Arroyo for the last time today, he is going home and he sat bye me while i got my new comp. I wont lie i cried when i said bye to him I was the only one crying. ( I have turned into a big baby when it comes to goodbyes) He was  the zone leader over this new area I'm in and over my new comp. I asked him about my comp and he said just work hard because he is lazy when it comes to teaching and this area has only had 1 baptism in the last 10 months So i have a few challenges to deal with, and the language barrier too. I cant tell you much right now about things because i have only been with here for 2 hours. But I’m  looking at the bright side of things Im still supper nervous tho...        oh and the fact that 2 wheels on my bags broke adds to that.
Elder Youngberg was called distric leader as i left It was even hard to say goodbye to him he was supper chill. So far I have been lucky with good companions so i hope it stays the same with this native comp. But as for the camera I’ll probably just have you guys send jakes because i dont want a new one either after hearing justin schmitts story.... So if jake wants to give his up to me,  then lets do that because it cant take any pics of my new house and comp but ill try to get some for next week. I dont have much more to say for right now my minds blank and confused with the changes. In my last area i knew where i could buy food, where the house is, members, bank, post office and the bank, but now i don't know where that stuff is but the area looks really nice. I'm excited to be here although its so far away from anything, like 2 hours on a bus, but I'm doing fine. Im sure I’ll settle down in the next few days and what I'm experiencing is normal. I love you all. Im doing fine and only cried when saying bye to Elder Arroyo. Stay safe and dont take any chances. I love you all and i have a testimony that this church is true!
Untill next week, -Josh

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Power Of Blessings

Well it’s been a better week. Things are finally starting to run smooth once again. We are still knocking a lot of doors everyday so were getting more and more investigators. Sunday we had an amazing and scary experience so I will tell you about that first. Well after church we went to our lunch we got there and the food was almost ready once ready we began to eat. Well just after the prayer was said to bless the food, and we started eating we heard HELP, HELP, HELP! (This was coming from the other house who lives behind the members house.) so instantly everyone jumped up and we ran over to the other house. Well right as we got there we could see the member lying on the ground, and her husband was holding her. He was crying uncontrollably and instantly the sister who made us food started yelling at us to give her a blessing! So being the only one with oil I ran back to the other house and grabbed the oil and ran back. When i got back i could see that the member was having a seizure and making weird noises (at this time everyone was crying and yelling give her the freaking blessing now.) Elder Young berg dumped all the oil on her and then gave her the first part of the blessing. After that he stood up and turned to the other member so he could give her the second part Instantly he turned to me and was like ´´go Hope!`` and I was like my language is limited so he turned back to Young berg and was like ``do it again`` So Youngberg gave the second part. The whole time I was just praying that the blessing was going to work! Right after he said ``amen`` she slowly stop shaking and within 40 seconds she had her eyes open and was awake man it was such a crazy thing, but at that moment we all saw the power of a blessing work right before our eyes! I was so scared and shaking so bad! it was intense. We could all feel the spirit at that time, because we just saw something amazing happen before our eyes. Man I have a testimony about blessings now! Later that night I gave a blessing for one of our investigator and did the second part after the lunch incident I learned a few words like comforting, getting better, relying, so I could use them in a blessing but Sunday was a crazy day with that experience.
JC and Mom thanks for the letter, but congrats on your basketball season that's a good record! but it sounds cold there. I can’t imagine -20 now, I'm mean 65 is cold for me! ha ha but that's cool dad got the snow machine running now he need to go ice fishing more for me and I'm supper excited that dads learning the security for the apostles, that's so cool!
As for my camera, it kind of stinks I won’t be able to take pictures saying good bye to the members (maybe my comp will let me use his) but I'm looking at cameras here I can’t decide if I will buy one here or have you send me one from Wall-Mart... but work on getting the shoes here fast. My comp said a funny thing yesterday we were talking about motor bikes and he said I have been on one and we were going so fast so I asked him how fast were you going? and he said `` fast enough that it blew my hat off!`` I about died laughing I was like I could ride a 4-wheeler at 20 mph and have my hat fly off!! ha ha it was just funny.
Today for p-day we went to some Elders house in our zone and made cookies and messed around with a soccer ball, one of the Elders is from Boise and he’s pretty cool. But anyways I better go most likely I will be in a new area next Wednesday so I hope it’s a good area. Tomorrow we have another interview with the president, so that should go really good. But I love you all. Stay safe and drive safe!
Until next week, -Josh