Hey everyone so another busy week and I have a lot to tell you’re so first off I did get some money out of the bank and already bought one more item to send home. (I’ll send a picture home) and so when I get things ready ill send a few things home in the future. But thanks for getting my card all worked out for me. Anyway last week I told you that I was going back to Curitiba to take my comp to the federal police and well it actually turned out to be a special thing for me also. So while there my comp and I was walking into the bathroom and I saw a girl cleaning and she looked at me then I went into the bathroom. For a moment I thought man she looks so familiar so leaving the bathroom I went on a search inside the federal police station in search of this lady. Well after 10 min I found her and I went up to her to talk to her. When I started talking I remembered exactly who it was and before any words were exchanged her name popped right into my head. Her name was ``Maria`` and exactly 5 months ago that day I did her baptism interview. (which was my second interview ever) It was really cool and very special to talk to her. I asked her how things were doing and she told me her son was also baptized later. So for some strange reason I was able to talk to her, even though it wasn’t anybody that I baptized but yet someone who I remembered and an interview I remember really well. Also while their I was talking to an elder who worked in my first areas. Well the area that we were taking care of along with our area. Anyway he asked me if know who was ``Cintia`` and I was like ya she was my first baptism and he told me that she is supper amazing even thought she only 9 years old she learned to play the piano and plays every Sunday. This elder also told me about another lady that I started to teach there and told me that she was baptized. This was another lady who we worked with a TON and we didn’t ever baptize her because of an elder who did a bad baptism interview with her. Anyway this elder told me that she still remembered me as the one who didn’t know how to speak at all but always smiled. But she said she was so grateful for us teaching her. So it was a supper and very exciting story for me. Once again I wasn’t ever able to see her baptized but knowing that she was finally baptized is so cool and a miracle.
On Friday I’ll be in the presence of Elder Anderson and Elder Ballard as they will talk to our mission. Man its going to be so cool!!!!! I’m stoked!! Anyways that’s my week for ya. It’s been good and I’m doing well. Jake sounds like he’s in his second area and I know he will like it. But I love you all be safe and pray for the snow. Love -Josh
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