Well it’s been an interesting week again, it hasn't rained but its turning cold and I like it. ha-ha Let me start off by saying the bug bomb was a failure, and the flea Battle continues. ha-ha But were taking back over the house with this white powder stuff. I looked under my bed and thought it snowed because I dumped this powder stuff all over on the ground but really I think they’re going away now so it’s not a big deal now. As for the work, we had 7 marked baptism for this next week but all of that fell through because nobody showed up to church. Which in a way was a good thing because ppl were fighting and pretty much everyone said they won’t continue with their callings? (like 6 ppl said that) So that’s only problem with our branch. Were afraid it’s going to close down if things don’t start to get better. Actually my comp said it was bad before I got here but our work goes on. Once again we taught a ton of 1st lesson and yes we have to keep track of our lessons and the things we teach and data.
Anyways that picture dad sent of Jake, well I looked at it first thing and I about died. I felt so bad and thought WOW I’m never getting that done then I started looking and knew it was a fake. Then I read your letter telling me you messed with the original pic on your phone so you guys scared me!! ha-ha But that’s cool everyone is going back down to the BB games in Boise. CJ he can buy more needles to shoot through his slow gun there really cheap. Dad thanks for the quotes, I enjoy them and also yes I like seeing what my friends are doing and are going through.
Also the other day I was looking though the hymn book in English and came across a song that stuck out to me. It’s on page 114 “Come unto him”. I’m not sure why but I really liked what it said read it during church or something. We were walking down a road and saw a cow so I took a few pic with my comps camera it was pretty cool. But I’m doing fine here, not a lot has gone on this week other than I went on a few divisions. But I’m doing well, I’m short on time and I need to send some pics before I go. Sorry the e-mail is supper short I sent a mission ties too so everyone be safe. Take a pic of the snow and keep reading the BOM. Love, -Josh
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